Required Version:
1. macOS 10.15 Beta.
2. SwiftUI can be implemented in macOS 10.14.5 Mojave but the issue is that Preview can not be
3. UIKit for Mac 13.0+.
4. macOS Catalina 10.15 Beta 3.
5. Xcode 11 beta 2, Xcode 11 beta 3.
Download XCode or macOS Update Version Link:
Introduction to SwiftUI:
- SwiftUI is a modern way to declare User Interfaces for any Apple Platform. Create Beautiful,
- dynamic apps faster than ever before.
- It helps the developers to easily design with less coding.
- SwiftUI language is easy to read, write and understand code.
- Describe your layout just once.
- Declare the content and layout for any state of your view.
Working with SwiftUI:
- SwiftUI declares the user interface and behaviour for your app on every platform.
- According to Apple SwiftUI is an innovative new way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms, so you can create better apps with less code.
- SwiftUI syntax is easy to read and write.
- SwiftUI uses a declarative syntax so you can simply state what your user interface
should do . - E.g:- like we can Display Text. so your code is..

Create New Project:
- Step1:-
- Select the Single View App.

- Step 2:-
- Enter your Product Name.
- Select the Language Swift / Objective – C.
- Last Choose a SwiftUI check box for create swiftUI Project..

- Then Click the Next button.
- Select your paths where your project is stored, Then Click in Create Button.
Explain Code:

- Declare variable to store textfield value.
- e.g..VStack ie vertical stack which contains image label and textfield vertically, and assigning padding, font, frame, cornerRadius , background Colour etc…
- Assigning PlaceHolder to the TextField.
- Our output code has now been returned:-

- Now we create secureField for Password TextField.
- 1st we should create one variable which stores password TextField value.
@state private var password: String = “”


- So here when we enter password at that time entry must be secured .
- Now we are adding NavigationView for navigation.

- Add all the precisely added VStack in the NavigationView and make label with required padding, background colour etc as click for navigation to next view.
- And create NavigationButton and in parameter give destination for navigated to your Second View.

- Now we are adding new Swift UI View File :
- In Project navigator -> Select Project Folder Tapped Right Click and Select New File. -> Select Swift UI View.
- In Project navigator -> Select Project Folder Tapped Right Click and Select New File. -> Select Swift UI View.

- Our New Swift UI view File name is “HomeView.swift”.
Create List Demo in HomeView
- Create Structure for Data

- Create Array of Structure Data in HomeView Body

- Create Stories Structure View

- let user : Data is variable of Data Structure
- VStack ie vertical stack which contains Image with required frame and give Shadow with CornerRadius, scaleToFit(), clipShape(Circle), overlay for giving stroke line to image
- Also Add 1 Text which displays user name with required fontSize, lineLimit, and Padding up to leading.
- And lastly we set frame for Vstack
- Now we will use Struct Stories in HomeView Body

- Create List with VStack which contains text with required fontSize and fontWeight and lastly add Scrollview
- The ScrollView will contains VStack with HStack which will scrolling vertically
- HStack will contain ForEach which contains Stories Struct View and adding NavigationButton for redirect Next View our next View name is userDetailView
- And lastly we add 1st VStack frame with 160 Height and navigationBarTitle
- userDetailView struct View

- Now we create postView struct View

- In postView struct create one variable of Data struct
- Then add Vstack and in Vstack add HStack ie Horizontal stack which contains one Image with require frame and give Shadow with CornerRadius
- Add Second VStack which contain two text. First text will display userName and second text will display timing. With padding to leading & top 8
- And at last adding one text which display userDetail and add Image with required cornerRadius, scaleToFit().
- And this postView struct view add in HomeView Struct view at the end


Reference Link:
Apple Documentation:- https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/SwiftUI/