Bendable smartphones
Bendable smartphones are on their way as China startup Moxi aims to beat Samsung. A little-known startup in China is gunning to be the first to sell bendable smartphones this year, seeking to upstage Samsung, which has started to dabble in flexible-screen technology.

Moxi Group, based in Chongqing, says it will ship 100,000 of the devices in 2016. They are, at the very least, unique. The phones, which will sell for about 5000 yuan ($1059) apiece, are designed to be rolled into a bracelet and worn on the wrist. The touchscreens work when curled up, or can be unfurled into rectangles to use just like any other smartphone.
For now, the gadgets will only feature black and white displays, but a colour version is to follow later. Still, that gives Moxi enough bragging rights to beat out other smartphone makers in being first to release bendable products.

Black and white phones are much easier to make,” said Chongsheng Yu, Moxi’s executive vice president. The colour model power usage is also much higher than that of the black and white unit. We’ll sell in China and if there’s demand overseas, we’ll look into it.
Bendable Smartphones:
Bendable phone is based on e-ink, which is also used in Amazon’s Kindle devices, but it’s superior to what’s been seen before because it uses better touchscreen capabilities.
The desire to find a new hit product is fuelling efforts to introduce bendable phones. Moxi, whose official corporate name is Chongqing Graphene Tech Co, is seeking to make the most of a technology that could eventually help boost sales in a market that’s starting to decelerate.
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