Upcoming trends in online marketing
As we all knows marketing industry changes like fashion trends and upcoming trends in online marketing always arrives with new thoughts and imaginations. I am sure there are some basic fundamental principles that are always same like know your audience, measure your results, and so on but the mechanisms and tools we use to speak to our audiences and get those results are in a perpetual forward momentum. But the fierceness of competition is another factor; companies are trying to one and up each other in a bid to give their customers the latest-and-greatest beyond the expectations.

If you really want to differ from other for the competition and to guard yourself against this one-upmanship, you must need to be on the forefront of the latest trends.
That’s why I have compiled this list of upcoming trends in online marketing:
1. Vertical videos:
We all knows that mobile is the future of marketing, but mobile devices have been around for a while and some major shifts have already come to light—like Google’s has been updated last year. Still, we’re having trouble transitioning, with the majority of mobile sites and apps still just being “mobile versions” of what we’re used to. Mobile-centric platforms like SnapChat are looking to change that with vertical videos, which cater specifically to mobile users and nobody else. Waiting to see this trend develop substantially in the next few years.
2. Virtual reality:
Along with HTC Vive, and Sony PlayStation Virtual Reality is coming. We are not all completely absorbed into this world. Because some of the techno predictors might have told you a few years ago, but there is no denying that the virtual reality momentum is starting to increase. Marketers have not taken it seriously yet, may be you can bet the first generation of VR marketers will hold a huge advantage over the latecomers.
3. App-based SEO:
Nowadays apps are projected to grow in popularity as well business, while traditional browser-based Internet experiences are on a competition but it is also necessary. Will apps one day replace traditional websites altogether? I’m not sure, but I am sure that Google will continue stepping up its efforts to provide better app-based experiences for users, including its app streaming technology. This may be the perfect time to start developing an app, or if you have one already, fleshing out your marketing of it.
4. Enlarged reality experiences:
Google Glass never really caught on, and “real” enlarged reality technology is still several years away from full development. However, consumers are already getting used to semi-enlarged reality experiences, like QR codes, which mix the digital and physical worlds. If we consider something like this in your physical business which allows users to interact with your online presence while concurrently engaging with your “original” one.
5. Interactive content:
The one sided traditional content are now going to close which calls one way interaction. Your content should be like produce a strong line of material, a reader consumes it, and the transaction is done. Interactive content changes based on user inputs, personalizing and diversifying the experience
6. User-generated content:
Brands have now started realize that users need interactive things. Through a platform, such as a user-contribution based forum, or a motivating event, such as a competition, you can encourage your users to create their own content for your brand and share it with others. This saves your efforts to creating the content yourself, but more importantly, helps you to establish a strong community around your brand.
7. Social media aggregation:
Social media apps are trying to do more and more, and you can see this in the major players especially. Facebook’s Instant Articles have brought content experiences in-app, and its recently launched live-streaming video feature prevents the need to go to another app for such a function. Social apps are trying to become everything and because of that your presence on social media needs to become stronger.
8. Content personalization:
Currently, there is limited personalization available for content marketing. You should be able to use to target new visitors of your site and to retarget old visitors of your site, or you might be able to customize your email marketing messages for different segments of your user base.
9. Automated marketing tools:
We currently have access to many marketing tools which display ads automatically for us. Marketers are still hungry for more automated marketing tools, and hopefully in the near future, we are going to get it. Just be careful not to automate your campaign too much otherwise your user may detect it.
10. Data visualization tools:
I am hoping more marketing tools will offer visualization in the coming years, and it’s going to help you to understand your audience needs and demands. The only downside here is that overconfidence on imagination could lead to skew conclusions, or clamp our creativity as marketers.
I hope, very soon we will see new upcoming trends in online marketing with powerful tools.