Confusing name “JavaScript”

Node.js: The Modern Day Server
Domination of Front End Frameworks
Nowadays web applications have considerable amount of business logic in the client side. The amount of code written in client side imposes new challenges such as how to architect, write and maintain thousands of lines of JavaScript. With the rise of frameworks such as AngularJS and ReactJS, web applications are able to deliver compelling experiences to users than ever before. Frameworks such as AngularJS are a one-stop shop, which comes equipped with various components to build a fully-fledged front end application. Angular contains modules, which could help with fetching data from the server, to manage business logic and many more. On the other hand, libraries like React are less opinionated and just do one single thing well, which is rendering the view and let developers rely on other libraries to accomplish different concerns. For example, since ReactJS is just a view library, in order to talk to a server to fetch data, developers have to rely on some other library. It’s up-to the requirements and the developers to choose what framework best suited for them.